COLUMBIA, S.C., March 19, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Each year in the United States, suicide claims over 40,000 lives – more than war, murder, and natural disasters combined. In South Carolina, one person dies by suicide every twelve hours. On Thursday, March 19, 2015,...
TRENTON, N.J., March 19, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Each year in the United States, suicide claims over 40,000 lives – more than war, murder, and natural disasters combined. In New Jersey, one person dies by suicide every 12 hours. On Thursday, March 19, 2015, volunteers...
Study finds that prolonging dopamine's effects in the brain boosts compassionWhat if there were a pill that made you more compassionate and more likely to give spare change to someone less...
For many people, just coming to a greater level of insight is not enough for them to make significant, lasting changes in behavior patterns that have been part of their preferred style for many years. Here's how one man found success with a systematic approach to changing both his thinking and his behavior.
Tags: CBT, character disturbance, in practice, personality disorders, therapy